Donnerstag, 3. März 2011

My top 10 foods for a diet that actually make you feel full

Hey everybody!
I just thought I'd do a short post about healthy foods that help me stay on track of my diet. I know there are thousands of list on this, but I thought I'd make a list especially with food that also contains healthy proteins and fat that takes the body a long time to process and is actually very filling!I also include tips how much and when to eat it to make sure it's digested properly and is still compatible with your weight loss plan. These foods are basically what I eat most of the time and I just include a lot of fruit and vegetables.

1. PEANUT BUTTER :it's packed with healthy , unsaturated (the good!) fat acids and proteins so it's really good if you're aiming for a low carb diet. I often eat just one or two spoons this after having a meal and feel I am not completely full or satisfied. I also buy 2 different kinds: a sweet one with a little bit of sugar for a mid morning or noon craving and one without sugar and one without sugar for the afternoon and evening.

2. OATMEAL my No 1 breakfast! it always makes me feel full and healthy. it's better to buy the large , unprocessed ones since it takes your body longer to digest. I also feel it makes me feel fuller when I put it in a microwave prior eating and add water and a dash of milk and honey. You can top it with any fruits. Take bananas or grapes in the mornings. A healthier option would be blueberries since they content many antioxidants, so you can even have that in the afternoon.

3.WHIPPED CREAM you may be surprised to find this on my list since cream has the worst reputation but what many people don't know is that it's actually very healthy (and poor in carbs!) if you just eat it the right way.It wont affect your weight loss if you have in the morning along with your muesli. Just have it if you really love whipped cream just like me (otherwise it doesnt make any sense because you have to enjoy it) and make sure not to take the plain full fat version. Whenever I have it , it makes me feel a lot fuller throughout the day and it prevents me from craving any sweet, fatty food options.

4. SOY DESSERT this is also for people who often have this craving for sweets. Soy desserts are available at health food stores. They don't contain any dairy ingredients and they're completely herbal. They dont contain any sugar so thats also good because you can have them after your lunch or as a mid afternoon snack without feeling guilty. They are even avaible in different flavours, e.g. chocolate, vanilla or caramel. Just check out your local health store. They're really good and everyone I made it try so far really enjoyed them!

5. VEGETABLE STOCK I know I said I'd just include filling, protein packed meals in my list, but this is the perfect choice if you feel slightly hungry or dehydrated after a hangover because it makes you feel full, well nourished and hydrated instantly and keeps you from eating at night. And the best thing: it contains literally hardly any calories!

6. EGGS I know you can read this in like every diet advisory article but they just help you feeling full and keep your muscles toned if you exercise on a regular basis. If you want to avoid as much fat as possible just have the egg white without the egg yolk because that contains some fat but I always have it together since I always feel theres something missing otherwise. You can either have it as a whole in your breakfast or make an omelette with vegetables in the evening.

7. POTATOES: despite their bad reputatation they are one of the most healthy carbohydrate-based foods you can find. They are my perfect option if I want a quick, satisfying lunch with that makes me full and is poor in calories. Have it along with some cottage cheese or curd cheese to add proteins. so yummy and simple :)

8. SMOKED SALMON: my favourite food if i am having a long brunch with friends or just want something small to eat in the evening. it contains valuable unsaturated fats and omega 3 fat acid which is good for your heart.

9. GREEK YOGURT: perfect as a dessert or a small supper. add a spoon of honey and a handful of almonds if you want to add some flavour. I personally prefer the 10% fat version because it makes me savour and enjoy it more and i feel a lot more satisfied afterwards.

10. ICE CREAM, CHOCOLATE CAKE, CUPCAKES (your favourite spoil): yes you read right! make sure to pork out once in a while! indulging in your favourite unhealthy food also contributes to a healthy diet because it prevents you from feeling deprived and starved. Just make sure you get this in a good quality or make it yourself. Plan it, take your time, savour and celebrate the consumption! Don't have it in a hurry or in front of the TV or computer. Have as much as you want, but eat it slowly and don't overeat! You can have it once a week or even twice if you have worked out a lot.

Freitag, 18. Februar 2011

!NEWS! cupcake diet & health store!

OK, I haven't posted for a long time because as you can tell I've been going through a lot recently.

The first thing I'd like to share with you guys is an idea that got into my mind just a couple of days ago when I was making cupcakes (look at the foto to check them out). I definitely have a soft spot for all kinds of sweets that I can't really suppress on the long term. So I thought if I have one or two cupcakes every day when I feel like having some after working out, I just induldge. The only condition is I should work out or move around alot that day and it should be at noon so the calories will be burnt by night again and there will be no danger of overindulding. It's actually a pretty smart idea if you stick to a healthy, carb and fat poor diet plan the rest of the day. Here is an example of what it can look like:
this is what i had yesterday
Breakfast: 2 slices of pineapple, 1 slice of smoked salmon (9am)
Lunch: 2 cupcakes with traditional German buttercream-pudding icing (12:30pm)
Snack: 1 small bowl of organic muesli from the health store with soy milk and one spoon of unsweetened peanut butter (4pm)
Dinner: omelette with carrots (2 eggs, 1 dash of soy milk, 1 spoon double fat cream cheese) (7:30pm)
I have to admit that I still had 3 Guinness beers and 1 glass of champagne that night but throughout the day I was on the move all the time, walked around alot and danced for 2 hours without break in a club so I hope it won't be too bad. I make sure I allow myself to have drinks 2 times a week when I go out.

same breakfast (9:30am)
1 hour of running in the park
Lunch: 2 cupcakes and 1 small bowl of muesli with soymilk and banana (1pm)
(I was really starving so I took my snack into my lunch)
Dinner: 100g of wholemeal spaghetti with vegetarian bolognese and carrots, capsicorn and zucchini (5pm)
short, brisk run with weights in my arms (1,5kg) and strenghth /body workout for abs and thighs (alltogether 45 minutes)
this might seem like alot of food but with all the sports I get so hungry and I hope it's all burned again.

I'm including a picture of my cupcakes and a new foto of myself from last weekend when I was in Munich with a friend. I had the best time and I found the cutest little bag in a vintage shop! the white one, i love it <3 this is where you can find the recipe !

Oh i almost forgot to mention my recent discovery of the best health store I've ever been to! It's almost as big as a regular supermarket and just contains organic healthy food without sugar and preservatives which is so awesome. I actually just went in there because I needed peanut butter without sugar (they don't sell it unsweetened in regular supermarkets) but I got so excited and overwhelmed that I ended up getting soy milk (which i cannot recommend btw because it tastes absolutely disgusting and I found out it doesn't even have nutricious advantages compared to dairy milk), vegetarian bolognese (which i LOVE), curd cheese, a caramel soy dessert (which I cant wait to try!), wholemeal spaghetti , an unsweetened yogurt with vanilla and almond flavour (yumm) and of course peanut butter which has such a different consistency from regular one and the reason I bought it was obviously so I could have it as a snack in the evening too since I avoid sugar after lunch. all in all I am really happy with my purchases. it's obviously about twice expensive as a normal supermarket but some foods are really worth it ( I probably would rebuy the soy milk or the curd cheese since basic dairy products are good quality in normal supermarkets as well and I dont recognise a remarkable difference!)

Take care and stay fit!

Helena xoxo

Dienstag, 30. November 2010

how to get though Christmas season without gaining weight- or maybe even losing weight!

It goes without saying that during Christmas season it is the most difficult time to avoid indulging in sweet temptations such as ginger bread, cinnamon stars, chocolate cookies, etc.. the list is long and packed with calories ;)
Since I really am a sweet tooth I find it difficult to stick to my healthy diet during this time. I decided to share my essential tips and knowledge with you guys, and maybe you can even LOSE weight with your increased awareness and caution.

1. SNACK WISELY the wrong approach would be to cut back entirely... after all you want to be able to enjoy Christmas just like the others! First of all, DON'T buy cookies at the store, just meet up with friends on Sunday and make them yourselves.. it's not only much more fun and delicious, it also helps you to avoid snacking over the rest of the week. Another thing is that you can trick a bit by simply replacing your favourite things by healthier options. try to stick to the bicuits with 'good' ingredients instead of the 'bad' ones.
examples of good ingredients: almonds, spices( anis, ginger...), egg whites (great for coconut macrones and baisers!!), bad ingredients: marzipan!!, chocolate, a lot of butter (a little bit is obviously essential), ... BUT: you can have as many clementines as you want :) theyre yummy too :)

2. COMPENSATION BY MOVEMENT motivate your family to go for a nice walk in the snow after the huge Christmas meal. It's good for your digestion and you burn some of the calories!

3. NO CHOCOLATE CALENDAR THIS YEAR this may be hard but consider that the chocolate consume all together is just too much to stay healthy and fit all the time. Some may bring up the argument that just one small piece per day is healthy for you. If you manage to leave it to that, it's fine and you have my respect, but what happens to me is that this small piece just triggers my appetite and I start either eating other random things to satisfy this provoked craving or I rip out all the chocolates from the calendar and it's all gone :(. haha I'm probably the only person in the world who does that ;).
anyway, a brilliant idea recently popped into my mind: Make yourself a fitness calendar with pieces of paper reading a daily sports/ nutrition challenge! I'm making mine tonight I think so I have it by tomorrow :) I'm really excited about this!

4. RESISTING IS WORTH THE REWARD. just always keep in mind what a couple of moments of giving in will cause for you on the long term: dissatisfaction, guilt, even a stricter diet incuding more exercise, ugly unnecessary belly fat... and so on. All you have to do to avoid this is to RESIST to your fat pig that wants to come out and eat all that stuff. That's easy, you can do it, can't you?

--> But remember: set yourself a date once a week with your girlfriends when it is actually allowed to have all the things you have to do without usually... believe me, this will be the most enjoyable christmas ever and you need no new year's resolutions, yehhaaa :)

Freitag, 19. November 2010

my hair- an endless struggle + tips

my natural hair is medium shoulder length. I used to have really long hair 3 years ago but I really treated them badly by excessive bleaching and a frequent use of heat tools (which I totally regret now!!). I've been trying to grow them out healthy for like one and a half years now and still have a long way to go. they just won't grow because the ends are still dry and split. but it's getting better and better with time. i've kinda developped strategies that work for me, for example i try to use naturally based shampoos and other hair products. but hair care consists of more than using good products, but of what you do to your hair in general because EVERYTHING can effect your hair quality. Here are the most important things I find are helpful to increase hair quality and growth.

1. I only wash my hair twice a week to make sure it gets enough natural oils from your scalp. on top of that, washing itself results in unhealthy procedures, eg. combing wet hair, applying silicone packed styling products and using heat (blow dryer/straighter...)

2. DON't comb your wet hair with a fine brush, start going through it with a wide tooth comb when it's damp. your hair is very prone to damage and breakage if it is wet.

3. try to avoid heat as much a possible. it doesnt mean you have to run around feeling horrible because your hair is messy or whatever. style your hair with a blowdryer once a week and the 2nd time you wash them, let them air dry. choose a day where it is not so important to look great, eg when you hang out at home or you just go to uni or do alot of sports. trust me you will notice a difference very soon!

4. use natural oils from the pharmacy. ok so there are 2 different oils i've been using lately. the first one is almond oil i apply to my ends once a week. it doesnt make the hair healthy again , it's just a prevention from further breakage (remember: once a hair is broken you CAN'T repair it, you can just cut it!)
argon oil is even better than almond oil but i haven't tried it yet, but im definitely going to!
to increase my hair growth i've started using castor oil in my roots, but i don't know if it helps, ive only tried it twice, but i'll let you know as soon as i find out!

5. for those who use highlights, this is extremely important: if you've reached a colour you really like and go to the salon ONLY dye the roots where there is no colour yet, not the ends. broken ends don't need more damage and you won't notice the difference at all!

6. protect your hair from salt water and the sun by using UV protecting spray (available at drugstores).

7. get your ends trimmed on a regular basis (if you wanna grow your hair out it's ok to wait 3 or 4 months , otherwise it won't grow after all)

8. make sure you follow a healthy , balanced diet with a lot of vitamins and nutrients and have a lot of water. this is a good example that beauty comes from the inside ;).

i hope you found my tips helpful, next time i'll be making a post on my favourite hair products and a review for my clip in extensions who those who want long hair yet are too impatient to wait for ages, just like me :)

i hope you find my tips helpful

Mittwoch, 17. November 2010

weight issues

ok so due to loooaaads of stress over the last week and my sore throat over the past few days I haven't really been able to work out so much which sucks :( on top of that i've indulged in heaps of gingerbread and triple chocolate cookies because thats how i tend to deal with stress.... i'm an emotional eater, like most women.
i really have to watch my weight because this can't come to a habit, especially during holiday season you are exposed to so much greasy, sugary stuff and i definitely have a sweet tooth!!

result: lean protein diet and workout!

i really, really hope I'll feel better by tomorrow so i can go to my bodywork fitness routine that i normally do twice a week.

 my eating plan for tomorrow:

bircher muesli with rasperries and low fat yogurt
whole meal spaghetti with a vegetable/arrabiata sauce
a cup of soup and an egg

i have to go to a health store tomorrow to buy some plain soup cause the one you can get in the supermarket sucks and leaves me hungry.
i'm really motivated because i hate, hate , hate getting these approaches of a belly fat at the sides. i ALWAYS put on there first! hate that! my already nearly non existant waist vanishes completely then.

now tell me.... are you an apple, pear, boyish or a lucky hour glass shape?

i'd say i'm in between boyish and apple (the ones that are perceived as least attractive :( ). if i watch my diet and exercise i loose almost all curves and get a boyish frame and if i indulge in fast food and never work out i definitely become an apple since i gain in my belly area first!

Donnerstag, 28. Oktober 2010


I just thought I'd do my first post to tell you guys who I am and what this blog will be about.
In my daily life, I thoughts revolve alot about issues such as beauty (products and strategies to put you in a better light, including make up, fashion...), nutrition (healthy food and diets I have tried or plan on trying), as well as one of my biggest passions- exercising.
I am so excited about the opportunity to share that with you guys!
If you are interested, it would be a huuuge pleasure if you subscribe and keep reading!

Love, Helena xoxo