Donnerstag, 3. März 2011

My top 10 foods for a diet that actually make you feel full

Hey everybody!
I just thought I'd do a short post about healthy foods that help me stay on track of my diet. I know there are thousands of list on this, but I thought I'd make a list especially with food that also contains healthy proteins and fat that takes the body a long time to process and is actually very filling!I also include tips how much and when to eat it to make sure it's digested properly and is still compatible with your weight loss plan. These foods are basically what I eat most of the time and I just include a lot of fruit and vegetables.

1. PEANUT BUTTER :it's packed with healthy , unsaturated (the good!) fat acids and proteins so it's really good if you're aiming for a low carb diet. I often eat just one or two spoons this after having a meal and feel I am not completely full or satisfied. I also buy 2 different kinds: a sweet one with a little bit of sugar for a mid morning or noon craving and one without sugar and one without sugar for the afternoon and evening.

2. OATMEAL my No 1 breakfast! it always makes me feel full and healthy. it's better to buy the large , unprocessed ones since it takes your body longer to digest. I also feel it makes me feel fuller when I put it in a microwave prior eating and add water and a dash of milk and honey. You can top it with any fruits. Take bananas or grapes in the mornings. A healthier option would be blueberries since they content many antioxidants, so you can even have that in the afternoon.

3.WHIPPED CREAM you may be surprised to find this on my list since cream has the worst reputation but what many people don't know is that it's actually very healthy (and poor in carbs!) if you just eat it the right way.It wont affect your weight loss if you have in the morning along with your muesli. Just have it if you really love whipped cream just like me (otherwise it doesnt make any sense because you have to enjoy it) and make sure not to take the plain full fat version. Whenever I have it , it makes me feel a lot fuller throughout the day and it prevents me from craving any sweet, fatty food options.

4. SOY DESSERT this is also for people who often have this craving for sweets. Soy desserts are available at health food stores. They don't contain any dairy ingredients and they're completely herbal. They dont contain any sugar so thats also good because you can have them after your lunch or as a mid afternoon snack without feeling guilty. They are even avaible in different flavours, e.g. chocolate, vanilla or caramel. Just check out your local health store. They're really good and everyone I made it try so far really enjoyed them!

5. VEGETABLE STOCK I know I said I'd just include filling, protein packed meals in my list, but this is the perfect choice if you feel slightly hungry or dehydrated after a hangover because it makes you feel full, well nourished and hydrated instantly and keeps you from eating at night. And the best thing: it contains literally hardly any calories!

6. EGGS I know you can read this in like every diet advisory article but they just help you feeling full and keep your muscles toned if you exercise on a regular basis. If you want to avoid as much fat as possible just have the egg white without the egg yolk because that contains some fat but I always have it together since I always feel theres something missing otherwise. You can either have it as a whole in your breakfast or make an omelette with vegetables in the evening.

7. POTATOES: despite their bad reputatation they are one of the most healthy carbohydrate-based foods you can find. They are my perfect option if I want a quick, satisfying lunch with that makes me full and is poor in calories. Have it along with some cottage cheese or curd cheese to add proteins. so yummy and simple :)

8. SMOKED SALMON: my favourite food if i am having a long brunch with friends or just want something small to eat in the evening. it contains valuable unsaturated fats and omega 3 fat acid which is good for your heart.

9. GREEK YOGURT: perfect as a dessert or a small supper. add a spoon of honey and a handful of almonds if you want to add some flavour. I personally prefer the 10% fat version because it makes me savour and enjoy it more and i feel a lot more satisfied afterwards.

10. ICE CREAM, CHOCOLATE CAKE, CUPCAKES (your favourite spoil): yes you read right! make sure to pork out once in a while! indulging in your favourite unhealthy food also contributes to a healthy diet because it prevents you from feeling deprived and starved. Just make sure you get this in a good quality or make it yourself. Plan it, take your time, savour and celebrate the consumption! Don't have it in a hurry or in front of the TV or computer. Have as much as you want, but eat it slowly and don't overeat! You can have it once a week or even twice if you have worked out a lot.